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Link Baler
Mil-tek air powered balers are low energy, small footprint, safe and easy to use and maintain.
Link Centro de Innovacatión en Tecnologia Alternativa, Mexico
Centro de Innovación en Tecnología Alternativa, A.C. (CITA)(Mexico) organises local cooperatives to manufacture urine-diverting toilets. Espacio de Salud (ESAC) conducts programs for introducing these and other systems and practices for better environmental and public health.
Link CEPP (Center for Ecological Pollution Prevention)
The Center for Ecological Pollution Prevention (CEPP) (U.S.A) develops, promotes and demonstrates better waste management systems and practices, with an emphasis on source-separation and utilisation approaches. It provides technical assistance, information and referrals to resources promoting ecological sanitation systems and practices. Ecological wastewater system design and demonstration projects and workshops worldwide. Special emphasis on “waste management for small islands and coastal areas”.
Link EcoSan at UNDP
Ecosan as part of the United Nations Development Program.
Link EcoSanRes
International Ecological Sanitation Program, financed by SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency. This site provides a lot of information, publications and reports.
Link Global Dry Toilet Club of Finland
organises the "International Dry Toilet conference" in Tampere, Finland
Link GTO (German Toilet Organization)
located in Berlin, is member of WTO (World Toilet Organization) and aims to promote appropriate sanitation concepts.
Link GTZ
EcoSan - Projects of GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit). This site provides many links in the field of EcoSan. There is also a good Newsletter for download.
Link IEES (International Engineering Society)
Homepage of the "International Engineering Society" which offers a newsletter on "urine separation" with articles on Swedish and Swiss approach. urine - separation links.
Link International Year of Sanitation 2008
Link IRC (International Water and Sanitation Centre)
IRC (International Water and Sanitation Centre) is an organisation supported by and linked with the Netherlands Government, UN - Organisations, the World Bank and the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council.
Link IWA Specialist Group on "Ecological Sanitation"
Homepage of the IWA (International Water Association) Specialist Group on "Ecological Sanitation"
Link Organización Panamericana de la Salud
Homepage of the "Organización Panamericana de la Salud", presents several type of sanitation systems, only in Spanish.
Link Sanitation Connection
Sanitation Connection is a www-based resource linked with numerous international organisations intended to facilitate access to information on sanitation including “Ecological Sanitation” – related topics.
Link The Network for Water Conservation and Recycling
Environmental & Water Resources Engineering, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK.
Dutch NGO/Consultancy group with international EcoSan activities.
"Women in Europe for a Common Future" is primarily involved in EcoSan projects based in Eastern Europe.
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